Impact Factor (IF) - Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM)

2020: 1.500 - 5 years IF: 1.659

2019: 1.258 - 5 years IF: 1.610

2018: 1.152 - 5 years IF: 1.315

2017: 1.000 - 5 years IF: 1.000

2016: 0.938 - 5 years IF: 1.010

2015: 0.641 - 5 years IF: 0.673

2014: 0.628 - 5 years IF: 0.652

2013: 0.390 - 5 years IF: 0.504

2012: 0.605

2011: 0.468

2010: 0.309

2009: 0.136

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Volume 33 (2) – 2010



  • ARRIAGADA GONZALEZ J., CASTRO CORREA C.P., SOTO BAUERLE M.V. & RODOLFI G., Towards a classification of the delta systems in transitional semi-arid Chile between the rivers Copiapo and Aconcagua, Pages 101-109.
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  • AIELLO G., MARSELLA E. & PELOSI N., Deep gravitational processes in the Maratea valley (southern Italy): evidence from high resolution reflection seismic profiling of the surrounding offshore, Pages 111-125.
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  • ARINGOLI D., GENTILI B., MATERAZZI M. & PAMBIANCHI G., Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in active tectonics areas of the Umbria-Marche apennine (central Italy), Pages 127-140.
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  • BONCI L., CALCATERRA S., CESI C., GAMBINO P., GULLĂ€ G., NICEFORO D., MERLI K. & SORRISO VALVO M., Displacements on a slope affected by deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: greci slope (Lago, Calabria, Italy), Pages 141-153.
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  • CIMARELLI C. & DE RITA D., Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in volcanic settings: examples from italian volcanoes, Pages 155-164.
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  • DELLE PIANE L., FONTAN D. & MANCARI G., The Rosone landslide (Orco river valley, western italian alps): an updated model, Pages 165-177.
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  • MELELLI L. & TARAMELLI A., Criteria for the elaboration of susceptibility maps for DGSD phenomena in Central Italy, Pages 179-185.
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  • MONTELEONE S., SABATINO M. & BAMBINA A., Genesis and geomorphological evolution of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations: an example of dating in Western Sicily, Pages 187-192.
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  • MATERAZZI M., GENTILI B., ARINGOLI D., FARABOLLINI P. & PAMBIANCHI G., Elements of slope and fluvial dynamics as evidence of Late Holocene climatic fluctuations in the central Adriatic sector, Italy, Pages 193-204.
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  • NIGRELLI G. & AUDISIO C., Floods in Alpine river basins (Italy): an interdisciplinary study combining historical information and hydroclimatic data, Pages 205-213.
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  • RICCARDI A., VASSENA G., SCOTTI R. & SGRENZAROLI M., Recent evolution of the Punta San Matteo serac (Ortles-Cevedale group, italian alps), Pages 215-219.
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  • WEBER M., BRAUN L., MAUSER W. & PRASCH M., Contribution of rain, snow- and icemelt in the upper Danube discharge today and in the future, Pages 221-230.
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  • BARONI C, RIBOLINI A., BRUSCHI G. & MANNUCCI P., Geomorphological map and raised-relief model of the Carrara Marble Basins, Tuscany, Italy, Pages 233-243.
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    Order the plastic raised-relief model of the Carrara Marble Basins
  • BARONI C., MENEGHEL M., & MORTARA G. (eds.), Report of the glaciological survey of 2009, Pages 245-311.
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