Impact Factor (IF) - Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM)

2020: 1.500 - 5 years IF: 1.659

2019: 1.258 - 5 years IF: 1.610

2018: 1.152 - 5 years IF: 1.315

2017: 1.000 - 5 years IF: 1.000

2016: 0.938 - 5 years IF: 1.010

2015: 0.641 - 5 years IF: 0.673

2014: 0.628 - 5 years IF: 0.652

2013: 0.390 - 5 years IF: 0.504

2012: 0.605

2011: 0.468

2010: 0.309

2009: 0.136

An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Supplements of Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria

- Free download of all the volumes -


Volume I:
Proceedings of the meeting: The Morphotectonics in Italy
(P.R. FEDERICI Editor) (1988) (252 pp., in Italian, with 4 maps). (In Italian with English abstracts)


Volume II:
Geomorphological Hazards
(C. EMBLETON, P.R. FEDERICI & G. RODOLFI Editors) (1989) (114 pp.) (In English)


Volume III:
Fourth International Conference on Geomorphology
(Bologna, Italy, 1997):

  1. ABSTRACTS (432 pp.)
  2. GUIDE BOOK FOR THE EXCURSIONS (1997) (218 pp.)
  4. KARST GEOMORPHOLOGY (J. JAMES & P. FORTI Editors) (1998) (132 pp.)


Volume IV:
Illustrative Notes of the Geomorphological Map of Po Plain
(G.B. CASTIGLIONI & G.B. PELLEGRINI Editors) (2001) (207 pp., in Italian and in English)


Volume V:
Proceedings of the 8th Italian Glaciological Meeting
(1999) (185 pp., 2 maps, in English and in Italian with English Abstracts)


Volume VI:
Fifth International Conference on Geomorphology (Tokio, Japan , 2001) – Geomorphologic Revolutions and Quaternary Environmental Changes
(K. KASHIMA & M.T. BENAZZOUZ Editors) (109 pp., in English)


Volume VII:
Proceedings of the Conferences “Mountains and Plains”
(Padova, 15-17 February, 2005) – (A. Bondesan, P. Mozzi & N. Surian Editors). Papers in English or in Italian with English Abstracts