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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 33 (2) - 2010


Recent evolution of the Punta San Matteo serac (Ortles-Cevedale group, italian alps)

Pages 215-219


This paper summarizes the main results of surveys carried out on the Punta San Matteo serac (Ortles-Cevedale Group, Italy). The monitoring campaigns mainly consisted in surveying the serac with a Total Station (over the period from July 2005 to November 2005) and with a laser scanner. The displacements of the unstable ice mass (about 12 m) and its geometry and volume (about 560,000 m3) have been calculated. In addition several photographs collected during the field campaigns made it possible to describe the evolution of this unstable ice mass and recorded its partial collapse and gradual breaking into tiny parts. The air temperature trend was also evaluated; the serac displacements resulted not strongly correlated with temperature evolution and the main falling events occurred in the autumn and not in summer when air temperature reached the highest peaks.

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