Impact Factor (IF) - Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM)

2020: 1.500 - 5 years IF: 1.659

2019: 1.258 - 5 years IF: 1.610

2018: 1.152 - 5 years IF: 1.315

2017: 1.000 - 5 years IF: 1.000

2016: 0.938 - 5 years IF: 1.010

2015: 0.641 - 5 years IF: 0.673

2014: 0.628 - 5 years IF: 0.652

2013: 0.390 - 5 years IF: 0.504

2012: 0.605

2011: 0.468

2010: 0.309

2009: 0.136

An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 20 (2) – 1997



  • P.N.R.A., National Meeting on Antarctic Research, Pages 191-192.
    Abstract (PDF)
  • ASIOLI A. & LANGONE L., Relationship between recent Planktic Foraminifera and water mass properties in the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica), Pages 193-198.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • BARBANTE C., TURETTA C., BELLOMI T., GAMBARO A., PIAZZA R., MORET I. & SCARPONI G., Possibles sources and origins of lead in present-day East Antarctic snow, Pages 199-202.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • BARONI C., BRUSCHI G. & LOPEZ-MARTINEZ J., Review on Antarctic geomorphological mapping, Pages 203-218.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • BIASINI A., OSSO P. & SALVATORE M.C., Geomorphological sketch map of the Mount Dickason area (Victoria Land, Antarctica) mapped by aerial photographs, Pages 219-223.
    Abstract (PDF)
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    Map (PDF)
  • BRANCUCCI G. & SILVESTRO M., Analysis of extreme temperature in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica,, Pages 225-232.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • CAGNATI A., Some observations on snowpack features in Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, Pages 233-239.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • CAPRIOLI R., GRAGNANI R., GUGLIELMIN M., SMIRAGLIA C., PROPOSITO M. & TORCINI S., Chemical progile from snow pits and shallow firn cores and snow accumulation on Campbell Glacier (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica), Pages 241-247.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • CORRADI N., FERRARI M. & IVALDI R., Landsat linear features: an example of application to structural-geomorphologic analysis in the Campanian Apennines, Pages 249-255.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • DINI M., LONGINELLI A., OROMBELLI G. & SMIRAGLIA C., Isotopic composition of snow samples from Northern Victoria Land, (Antarctica) and correlations with the geographical factors, Pages 257-261.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • FESTA C. & ROSSI A., Thermal Conductivity Measurement (Tcm) of ice cores: Devices and Procedures, Pages 263-267.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • GRAGNANI R. & TORCINI S., Ion chromatographic method for monitoring sulphate in ice-cores, Pages 269-270.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • MARSELLA M. & VITTUARI L., Gps-Assisted Photogrammetry for Mapping Production in Antarctica, Pages 271-277.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • QUAIA T. & BRAMBATI A., Climatic stages control on grain-size clusters in core ANTA91-8 (Ross Sea), Pages 279-282.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • SALVATORE M.C., BONDESAN A., MENEGHEL M., BARONI C. & OROMBELLI G., Geomorphological sketch map of the Evans Cove area (Victoria Land, Antarctica)), Pages 283-290.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • AJASSA R., BIANCOTTI A., BIASINI A., BRANCUCCI G., CARTON A. & SALVATORE M.C., Changes in the number and area of Italian Alpine glaciers between 1958 and 1989), Pages 293-297.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • BOMBARDA R. & PARISI B., I ghiacciai (vedrette) delle Dolomiti di Brenta: centotrent’anni di frequentazione e di osservazioni – Glaciers (vedrette) of the Dolomitic Group of Brenta (Alps): ono hundred and thirty years of trips and observations, Pages 299-304.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • FIUCCI A., GIGANTE B., ROSSI C., SMIRAGLIA C. & VEGGETTI O., The Calderone Glacier (Gran Sasso d’Italia). Determination of ice thickness and bedrock morphology by means of radio-echo sounding, Pages 305-308.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • MAZZA A., The kinematic wave theory: a priority of the Italian Glaciology (De Marchi, 1895), Pages 309-314.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • MOTTA L. & MOTTA M., Ice structure and dynamics of the Jumeaux Glacier (Valtournanche, Aosta Valley, Italy), Pages 315-320
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • PAPPALARDO M. & RIBOLINI A., Carta geomorfologica della Valle Desertetto (Alpi Marittime): note illustrative – Geomorphological map of the Valle Desertetto (Maritime Alps) and explanatory notes, Pages 321-328.
    Abstract (PDF)
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    Map (PDF)
  • PELFINI M., BELLONI S., ROSSI G. & STRUMIA G., Response Time of the Lys Glacier (Valle D’Aosta). An Example of a Dendrogeomorphological and Environmental Study, Pages 329-338.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • SMIRAGLIA C., Holocene variations of the Yanzigou Glacier (Gongga Shan Massif, Da Xueshan, China), Pages 339-351.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • CERUTTI A.V., Crollo della fronte del ghiacciaio sommitale delle Grandes Jorasses (Monte Bianco) il 30-31 Maggio 1998 – Fall of the front of the Grandes Jorasses Glacier (Mount Blanc) occurred between 30 and 31 may 1998, Pages 355-357.
    Abstract (PDF)
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  • OROMBELLI G., Ardito Desio and the Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI), Pages 359-361.
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  • ARMANDO E., BARONI C. & ZANON G. (eds.), Report of the glaciological survey of 1996, Pages 363-411
    (Full Text PDF)
  • ATTI UFFICIALI del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Pages 413-416.
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