Impact Factor (IF) - Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM)

2020: 1.500 - 5 years IF: 1.659

2019: 1.258 - 5 years IF: 1.610

2018: 1.152 - 5 years IF: 1.315

2017: 1.000 - 5 years IF: 1.000

2016: 0.938 - 5 years IF: 1.010

2015: 0.641 - 5 years IF: 0.673

2014: 0.628 - 5 years IF: 0.652

2013: 0.390 - 5 years IF: 0.504

2012: 0.605

2011: 0.468

2010: 0.309

2009: 0.136

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Volume 20 (1) – 1997



  • C.N.R.- I.R.P.I., Proceedings of the meeting on large and slow gravitational phenomena in inhabited centres of Alpine and Apenninic regions, Pages 3-17.
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  • ALEXANDER D.E., “Structural grain” in landscapes and its relationship to large-scale slope deformations, Pages 5-12.
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  • AMELIO M., LE PERA E. & RIZZO V., Osservazioni stratigrafiche e mineralogiche sulle coperture detritiche della Valle di Maratea (Basilicata) – Stratigraphic and mineralogical observations of the continental deposits within the Maratea Valley (Basilicata, Italy), Pages 13-23.
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  • BERNARDINELLO D., FIORANI F. & TURRINI M.C., Il movimento gravitativo lento del Sass del Camin (Agordo, Belluno) – The slow gravitational movement of the Sass del Camin (Agordo, Belluno, Italy), Pages 25-32.
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  • BUTI F., D’AMATO AVANZI G., MAZZANTI G. & PUCCINELLI A., I movimenti gravitativi profondi della zona di Chioso (Val di Magra): aspetti geologici e geomorfologici e influenza sull’ambiente antropico – The deep-seated gravitational movement of the Chioso area (Magra Valley, North-Western Tuscany): geological and geomorphological aspects and influence on the anthropic environment, Pages 33-41.
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  • CARVENI P., FILETTI G., & BELLA D., Aspetti geomorfologici e sismologici connessi a fenomeni di tettonica gravitativa nel basso versante orientale dell’Etna – Geomorphological and seismic aspects connected to gravitational tectonic phenomena on the low eastern slope of the Mt. Etna (Italy), Pages 43-49.
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  • COLANTONI P., GABBIANELLI G., RIZZO V. & PIERGIOVANNI A., Prosecuzione a mare delle strutture deformative della Valle di Maratea (Basilicata) e recente evoluzione dell’antistante piattaforma continentale – Seaflor of deformative structures of the Maratea Valley (Basilicata, Italy) and recent evolution of the opposite continental shelf, Pages 51-60.
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  • D’AMATO AVANZI G., PIERONI A. & PUCCINELLI A., Studio dei movimenti gravitativi di S. Romano in Garfagnana (Valle di Serchio, Lucca) – Study of gravitational movements of the S. Romano in Garfagnana area (Serchio Valley, North-Western Tuscany), Italy, Pages 61-70.
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  • DI FILIPPO M., RIZZO V. & TORO B., Studio gravimetrico della Valle di Maratea (Basilicata) – Detailed gravimetric investigation in the Maratea Valley (Basilicata, Italy), Pages 71-78.
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  • FORNO M.G. & GIARDINO M., Studio geologico del fenomeno gravitativo di Albugnano (Collina di Torino, Piemonte) – Geological analysis of the Albugnano landslide (Collina di Torino, Piemonte, NW-Italy), Pages 78-86.
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  • GUIDA M., Un approccio metodologico per lo studio a scala regionale delle deformazioni gravitative profonde – A methodological approach to the study at the regional scale of the deep-seated gravitational slope deformations, Pages 87-91.
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  • IOVINE G., PARISE M. & TANSI C., Influenza dell’assetto strutturale nello sviluppo dei fenomeni gavitativi. Un caso di studio in Calabria Settentrionale – Influence of structural setting in the development of the gravity-related phenomena. A study case in Northern Calabria (Italy), Pages 93-99.
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  • ORTOLANI F., PENNETTA M. & TOCCACELI R.M., Evoluzione morfostrutturale pleistocenico-olocenica del Golfo di Policastro e movimenti di massa profondi – Pleistocene-Holocene Morphostructural Evolution of the Policastro Bay (Thyrrenian Sea) and Deep-Seated Gravitational Deformations, Pages 101-105.
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  • PASUTO A., SILVANO S. & SOLDATI M., Deformazioni gravitative profonde di versante e frane: casi studio nella Valle del Boite (Dolomiti, Italia) – Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations and landslides: case studies in the Boite Valley (Dolomites, Italy), Pages 107-111.
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  • POLEMIO M. & D’ECCLESIIS G., Vulnerabilità degli acquiferi dei monti di Maratea (Basilicata) – Aquifer vulnerability in Maratea Mountains (Southern Italy), Pages 113-117.
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  • RIZZO V., Processi morfodinamici e movimenti del suolo nella Valle di Maratea (Basilicata) – Morphodynamical processes and ground displacement in the Valley of Maratea (Basilicata), Pages 119-136.
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  • RIZZO V.& LIMONGI P., Risultati iclinometrici ed indagini geologico-stratigrafiche nel centro storico di Maratea (Basilicata) – Inclinometric result and geological investigation at Maratea heritage (Basilicata, Italy), Pages 137-144.
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  • DEL PRETE M., BENTIVENGA M., AMATO M., BASSO F. & TACCONI P., Badland erosion processes and their interactions with vegetation: a case study from Pisticci, Basilicata, Southern Italy, Pages 147-155.
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  • PREVITALI F., ASSI I. & ŠEFRNA L., Pedosequences in Northern Tien Shan mountain belt (Kazakhstan-Kirgizstan), Pages 157-167.
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  • UFIMTSEV G.F., The concept of earth relief genesis: its common and hidden (or true) meaning, Pages 169-177.
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  • NOTIZIARIO, Pages 179-183.
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  • Segnalazioni Bibliografiche, Pages 185-190.
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