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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Supplements of Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Volume VII - 2005


Proceedings of the Conferences “Mountains and Plains”


Il glacialismo del livignasco (Alpi lombarde): variazioni recent e relazioni con il clima – The glaciers of the Livigno area (Lombardy Alps); recent variations and relations with the climate

Pages 231-238


The glacier variations of the Livigno area (Lombardy Alps) of the last sixties years have bee n studied, analyzing both the length and area reduc – tions. It results a strong glacier area reduction (almost 30% between 1941 and 2002) coupled with a noticeable increase in the terminu s altitudes (from the 2,693 m medium value to the 2,746 m medium value for six glaciers). The elaboration of the terminus glaciers data obtained from the publications of the It alian Glaciological Committee showed a lenght reduction of 230 m from 1940 to 2002 for the Gh iacciaio Settentrionale di Campo and a lenght reduction of 140 m in 20 years (1941-1961) for the Mine Glacier. The ir dynamic was however discontin uous and saw phases of strong reductions and of small advances as the one occurred betwee n 1977 and 1985, wich left evident deposits in the proglacial area. The above mentioned glacier variations has been correla ted to the Bormio meteorological station’s data, which allow to point out a reduction in the mean summer temperatur es of almost 1 °C (-0.95 compared to the average of the 1922 -1995 period ), occurre d between 1968 and 1990, and a concomitant increase in winter precipitation of abo ut 100 mm (always compared to the full series average) . This type of glacial dynamic is well connec ted to the alpine glaciers recent variation phase which, after a contin uous regressio n up to 1950, saw a short and small global increasing phase between years 60′ and 80′ of the XX Century followed by a restart of an intense and very strong reduction.

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