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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Supplements of Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Volume V - 2001


Proceedings of the 8th Italian Glaciological Meeting


Composizione chimica della neve e del ghiacciaio nella valle del Khumbu (Sagarmatha National park, Himalaya, Nepal) – Snow and ice chemical composition in the Kbumbu Valley (Sagarmatha National Park, Himalaya, Nepal)

Pages 103-111


In 1998 fresh surface snow samples were collected, no more than two days after the snowfall, along the Khumbu valley, and its lateral valleys (Kongmala and Changri Nup), at the end of the summer monsoon period. Samples from the Island Peak and Pumori slopes were also collected by climbers during pre- and post-monsoon season at altitudes ranging from 5300 to 6100 m a.s.l. Two series of ice samples from seracs of two different glaciers (Changri Nup and Khumbu Glaciers) were also collected and analysed. Conductivity, pH and major inorganic ions were measured in samples and relative field blanks. Chemical results were interpreted in order to distinguish different sources of ions and study spatial and temporal distribution of ion concentrations. Two different sources have been identified, one correlated with calcium and sulphate, which represents local transport and background contribution, and the other, correlated with sodium and chloride, which is related to monsoon circulation. The orographic and micrometeorological influence on the chemical composition of the snow in the different sites has been discussed.

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