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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 17 (1) - 1994


Geomorphological evidences of high mountain permafrost in Central Apennines

Pages 29-36


This work, which is part of an italian-polish research program on the deglaciation in Central Italy, reports some preliminary results of a systematic geomorphologic investigation carried out on periglacial features in the Abruzzi Apennines. Relict rock glaciers have been recognized on three of the examined mountain massifs (Gran Sasso, Velino and Maiella) at altitudes exceeding 2.000 m a.s.l. These landforms probably originated during the last cold period of the Late Glacial and are still well preserved. In the Cannella Valley (Maiella massif), a particularly «fresh» looking rock glacier (whose features strongly suggest some ice content in the debris mass) has been recognized at an altitude ranging around 2.600 m a.s.l. It seems therefore possible to shift to this point (i.e. 12° 05′ N of latitude) the southernmost limit of the present-day mountain permafrost in Italy.

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