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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 12 (2) - 1989


Note illustrative della carta geomorfologica dell’area di La Corte (Nurra, Sardegna settentrionale) – Explicative notes of the geomorphological map of the La Corte area (Nurra, North Sardinia)

Pages 107-116


The geomorphological survey results of the La Corte area (NorthWestern Sardinia) were described. The landforms and soils interpretation and its relations with recent deposits have allowed us a possible reconstruction of the area evolution since Tertiary. During Miocene torrents like a drainage network flowed towards the region with E-NE direction and the landscape was marked by structural forms. In Pliocene, the slope modelling began to produce pediments and inselberg. Thick soils were formed in the depressions. In Pleistocene, soils were formed in corrispondence to the various climatic phases, and the pliocenic forms emphasized. In the area, the last movements gave a nearly final packing. At last, in Olocene, the landscape became the actual gradually by removal and cutting of pediments and the soils erosion.

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