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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 2 (1) - 1979


Un caso di cattura carsica postwurmiana nel lembo calcareo di Arona (lago Maggiore) – An example of postwurmian karst capture in the Arona limestone relief (Lago Maggiore)

Pages 3-5


The morphological effects produced by the postglacial reactivation of a karst sinkhole, buried under fluvio-glacial deposits in the abandoned bed of a wurmian glacial drain stream in the Verbano-Cusio Morainic Amphitheatre, are described. It is suggested that this phenomenon is related to uplifting of the triassic calcareous relief at Arona, which emerges from the amphitheatre and where the phenomenon is observed, along a fault that bounds it to the SSE and has already been recognised as showing signs of Post-wurmian activity.

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