The Euganean hills: guide of the fieldtrip – I Colli Euganei: guida alla escursione
Pages 359-365
The Euganean Hills are extinct subvolcanic edifices expose d by erosion , which remo ved most of their thick sedimentary cover and part of the und erlying eruptive rock s. These Hills rise from the alluvial plain surro und ing them as isolated relief sout h-east of Padova (No rth-East It aly). In the Euganean Hill s outcrop Upper Jurassic to Lower Oligocene mar ine sediments . Volcanic rocks belong to two magmatic events of Upper Eocene (basa lts) and of Lower Oligocene age (rhyolites, trachytes, latites) respe ctively. In this fieldtrip are pr esent ed and discussed an up-to date illustr ation of the geology, of the geomorphology and of the well-known euganean hydroth ermal system of Aba no Te rrne-Mo ntegrorto.