Structural analysis of roches moutonnees in western orobic Alps (Lombardia) – Analisi strutturale di rocce montonate nelle Alpi Orobiche Occidentali (Lombardia)
Pages 163-177
The structura l characters of the roches moutonnee: have been studied within four cirques of the Western Orobic Alps, for th e purpose of ident ifying th e relation ship between stru ctu res and observed morphologies. The meso- structural analysi s of th e area has led to the identi fication and the chronological ordering of six deformation phases (three pre-Alpine and three Alpine ) represente d by man y different stru ctu res both du ctile (folds and foliations) and brittle (faults and cataclasites). Each exposed surface of the roches moutonnces has be en analysed on the base of thi s st ruc tu ral model and th e correspondence between morphological and structur al cha rac ters ha s been evid ent . Th e investigated cases demonst rate tha t th e exposed surfaces of the roches moutonnees are, in reality, struc tu ral surfa ces . Th erefore, it would seem th at their mou tonne appea ran ce is not of glacial origin alone. The glacial action is likely to be limit ed to the removal of the high er rock portion we athered during interglacial periods.