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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Supplements of Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Volume VII - 2005


Proceedings of the Conferences “Mountains and Plains”


Il regime termico annuo in Lombardia nel triennio 1955-1984. Definizione dei tipi di clima fondamentali mediante il confronto dei regimi termici delle due metà dell’anno – The yearly thermal regime in Lombady (Italy) during the period 1955-1984. Defignition of «fundamental» climate types by comparing the thermal regimes of the 2 year halves

Pages 41-49


The Lombardy yearly th ermal regime has been examined carefully by using the average monthly temperatures of 113 met eorological stations, wh ich worked continuously in the peri od 1955-1984. Th e data have be en processed in order to compare, by mean s of the Keller ‘s (1947) diagram meth od , the th ermal regime of the first half of the year with th at one of the second half. Then, by comp aring the hottest months of the 2 years halves, 5 «fundament al» climate Types in Lombard y have been identified. Fin ally, for 4 met eorological stations located in Lombard y, the thermal range, between the average temp erature of Jul y and J anu ary, during the period 1926-1955 and 1955-1984 and their climate types have been compared, observing a tr ansition to a less stro ng continental climate.

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