Holocene alluviation in submontane depressions – L’alluvionamento olocenico nelle depressioni submontane
Pages 25-31
The author describes the characteristic featur es of alluviation related to various types of depressions and tectonic tendencies in the submontane zones presenting the exampl es mainly from Himalayan foredeep, Ca rpathian forede ep, Hungarian Plain and Po Basin. He distinguishes active mountain fronts with active aggradation and mature relief of submontane depression dissected by younger valleys. Special attent ion is concent rated on the role of climatic fluctuations at the Pleistoc eneHolocene tran sition and in the Holocene. During last two millennia it is observed a very distinct acceleration of deposition controlled by human activity, which in many cases turned the trend in the alluviation of submontane dep ressions.