Are talus flatirons from central Spain related with Heinrich events?
Pages 59-63
Talus flatirons genera te in slopes of arid and semiarid areas by the altern ation of accumulation and incision periods. In the Iberian Peninsula talus flatirons are relatively common in the Duero, Tajo and Ebro Tertiary Basins. In these Tertiary Basins talus flatirons have been found in numerous places and up to five stages of slope evolution have been recognised at some locations. Ashes and charcoal remains from the inside of the slop e accumulations were dated with 14C and AMS in order to obtain an absolute chronology of the flatiron stages. The second stage (S2) dated in several plac es of the Ebro and Duero Basins by HC range from 2529 ± 52 BP to 3590 ± 40 BP, corresponding to the Iron and Bronze Cold Stages. Th e th ird stage (S3) has yielded 27862 ± 444 BP in the Eb ro Basin and 28550 ± 130 BP in the Du ero Basin and can be correl ated with Heinrich event H3. The fourth stage (S4) has been dated in the Ebro Basin giving an age of 35570 ± 490 BP , cor relative to Heinrich Event H4. The obtained temporal data seems to indic ate the glob al cold periods (Heinr ich events) control the talus flati ron s origin in the studied sector of Spain.