Impact Factor (IF) - Thomson Reuters Web of KnowledgeSM)

2020: 1.500 - 5 years IF: 1.659

2019: 1.258 - 5 years IF: 1.610

2018: 1.152 - 5 years IF: 1.315

2017: 1.000 - 5 years IF: 1.000

2016: 0.938 - 5 years IF: 1.010

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2014: 0.628 - 5 years IF: 0.652

2013: 0.390 - 5 years IF: 0.504

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2010: 0.309

2009: 0.136

An international Journal published under the auspices of:

Recognized by:

Supplements of Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Volume V - 2001


Proceedings of the 8th Italian Glaciological Meeting


Bilancio di massa della vedretta pendente – Hangenderferner (Alpi Breonie, Alto Adige) nel triennio dal 1995/96 al 1997/98 – The Vedretta Pendente Hangenderferner (Stubai Alps, Sud Tyrol, Italy) mass balance measurements in the three year period/rom 1995/ 96 to 1997/98

Pages 69-75


After three years since the beginning of the mass balance measure – ments on the Vedretta Pend ente-Hangenderferner some consid erations may be drawn, by confirming the retreating phase und ergone by this glacier as well, the b, / ELA relations of both the Vedr ett a Pendente and other neighbouring glaciers have been examined , the average thickness of ice melted during the three years’ period has been evaluated in about 5 m on the tongue and its elevation gradi ent value resulted consist ent with the other alpine glacier one s.

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