Breve inquadramento climatico della pianura – Brief climatic framework of Po plain
Pages 13-15
In the brief space destinedfor the Illustrative Notes to the Geomorphological Map) the climate of an area as large as the PoPlain cannotbe exhaustively examinedwithin the context of a detailed geomorphologic study. However) we believe thatMap users should be given a short introduction allowingthem to frame this environment properly. Running along parallel 45°N) the Po Plain clearly expresses typical «temperate zone» conditions) but it is also considerably influenced by its geographic configuration. The circulation of air masses is regulated by the proximity of the Ligurian Sea on one side and the Adriatic on the other) as well as by the Alps to the West and the North and Apennines to the South (TouringClub Italiano) 1957; Giuliacci, 1985). As a climatic region) the plain has often been assimilated (Bernacca, 1956) to a «sack» opening eastwards) divided into two basic areas: a western one) characterized by stagnation of air) and an eastern one which) thanks to the proximity of the Adriatic, enjoys better although sometimes violent circulation ofair) when the Bora wind blows. Fromthe dynamic viewpoint) the region is greatly influencedby pressure depressions standingover the GulfofGenova and others ofMediterranean origin) the consequence of the passage of cold fronts moving from NW which becomemore stablein summer. Mainly in winter) there is little wind movement in the Po Plain) and thick fog forms) due to the influence of cold air.