Analisi computerizzata della orientazione di tratti di reticolo idrografico e implicazioni neotettoniche: un esempio nell’area umbro-marchigiana – Computer-aided analysis of the orientation of fluvial network segments and neotectonic implications: an example ill the Umbria-Marche area
Pages 189-196
A method of statist ical analysis for the study of the orienta tion of drain age network segments is presented: it makes a large use of automatic dat a processing techniques, emp loying a personal computer by mcans of expressely develope d software. Informations on surficial hydr ography are gleaned starting from topog raphic maps: dr ainage element s are rectifi ed , hyerarchized and measured, whilst the area under study (which has ro be rectangular) is divided into geomet rically equivalent elementary units according to an uniform grid. For each of the squares in th is way individuated th e complcxivc length and the total numb er of fluvial segments arc calculated separately for each hycrarchical order and for each of the conside red directions. Data so obtained arc stored in a computer which uses them to generate diff erent kinds of graphics, pert inent both to each single terri tori al unit and to anyhow chosen dusters of them, as well as to the cntire investigated area . An application of the above mentioned methodology on a more than 1,500 square km wide model area belonging to the Umbria-Marche domain is then reported. The results in this way obtained arc finally related to the geological-structural sett lement of the area, sufficiently well. known.