Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria is a peer reviewed scientific journal which adheres to the code of conduct for publications produced by COPE: Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
It is mandatory that all parties involved – authors, editors and reviewers – are aware of and agree to the following ethical requisites
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Duties of authors
Originality and plagiarism
Authors must declare that they have created a totally original work and that they have cited all other sources used.
Repeated and/or competing publications
The author must not publish articles which describe the same research in more than one journal. Proposing the same article at the same time to more than one journal constitutes incorrect and unethical behaviour.
Citing of sources
The author must always supply correct indications regarding sources and contributions made in the article.
Ownership of the work
The ownership of the written work must be correctly indicated. Co-authors are those who have made a significant contribution to the carrying out of the research described in the article. If other persons have participated in a significant way to some stages of the research, their contribution must be explicitly recognised.
In the case of co-authored contributions, the author who submits the article to the journal must declare that all other co-authors have been correctly indicated, that their approval for the final version of the article has been obtained and that consent has been obtained from them for publication in the journal.
Competing interests and distribution of results
All the authors must explicitly declare that there are no competing interests which could have conditioned the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. In addition, the authors must indicate the funding institutions of the research and/or project on which the article is based.
Errors in published articles
When an author identifies in the published article an error or relevant inaccuracy, the editors of the journal must be informed promptly and supplied with all the necessary information so as to indicate the corrections as a footnote to the article.
Duties of reviewers
Contribution to editorial decision
Peer review is a procedure which helps the Editorial Committee to take decisions regarding submitted articles and which enables the author to improve the final version of the article.
Each text submitted for publication is to be considered confidential. The texts must not be discussed with other persons without the explicit authorisation of the Editorial Office.
The reviewing process is based on the quality of the article and not on the opinions expressed by the authors, nor the philosophical, ideological and epistemological views of the authors. The peer review must be carried out objectively. Any form of personal judgement regarding the authors is inappropriate. The reviewers must motivate clearly their judgements.
Indication of articles
The reviewer must inform the Editorial Committee of any possible similarities or overlapping of the submitted text with other articles with which the reviewer is familiar.
Competing interests and distribution of results
Reserved information or indications obtained during peer reviewing are strictly confidential and cannot be used for personal ends. Reviewers may not accept to review articles for which there exist competing interests due to relationships of either collaboration or competition with the author and/or the author’s institution.
Duties of the Editor in Chief and of the Editorial Committee
Decisions regarding publication
The Editor is responsible for the decision to publish or otherwise submitted articles. He may consult the Editorial Office in making this decision.
The Editorial Committee evaluates the articles submitted for publication on the basis of their content, without discrimination whatsoever as regards race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship or political orientation of the authors.
The Editorial Committee undertakes not to reveal information regarding submitted articles to persons other than the author, reviewers of the article and the editor of the journal.