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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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DOI 10.4461/GFDQ.2012.35.8


Dinámica actual de microcuencas del desierto costero de Atacama (Caldera, Chile) y su influencia en la generación de amenaza

Pages 79-89


In the Caldera coastal district of Northern Chile, the marine terraces of Quaternary age are characterized by steep cliffs dissected by deep gullies, from which torrential streams are formed. The gullies are controlled by the scarps of the terraces. Climate conditions, such as the presence of Ocean waters upwelling and El Niño, cause sporadic rainfall events. Hence, the micro-watersheds and streams become active and function as torrential channels producing debris flows. Moreover, torrential systems drain into the urban area of Caldera, causing flooding in the lower parts of the city. The city is growing into the area influenced by flooding and debris flows hazard and thus making vulnerable the resident population and infrastructure.

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