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DOI 10.4461/GFDQ.2012.35.6


Active Tectonics Influence on Drainage Networks in Dinarkooh Region, Zagros Mountain Range, Iran

Pages 61-68


Drainage networks are usually influenced by the type, orientation and recent activity of regional and local faults and folds in tectonically active regions. In the Zagros Mountain Range, Western Iran, most drainage systems are controlled by neotectonics processes. The development of the drainage system of Dinarkooh region in the late Quaternary depends mostly on the activity of Main Zagros Thrust Fault (MZTF) and similar NW-SE oriented faults in Zagros fault system. We have done a geomorphometric study by observing river profile and characteristics of mountain fronts in order to find spatial variations and style of rock uplift. Mountain front sinuosity (Smf), area- altitude relations (Hypsometric curves), Vf and AF indices differ significantly between different parts of the study area. River profiles indicate maximal river entrenchment in the southern part of Dinarkooh Region, probably related to the uplift of footwall of MZTF fault system. Therefore our geomorphic analysis suggests that Southern and Western parts of Dinarkooh are tectonically more active and also Samand active fold plays a significant role in this activity because of an active blind thrust fault beneath it.

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