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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 29 (1) - 2006


Geomorphologic Risk Assessment along Apulian coast (Southern Italy). The study-cases of Taranto and Brindisi surroundings areas

Pages 93-105


The environmental and morphological survey carried out in two test areas along the Apulian coast allowed the main features of the coastal system to be identified, since they are useful to outline the coastal dynamic and the anthropic impact as well. At first, the collected environmental data (geomorphologic, wind/wave and meteorological data) have been converted in numerical data to calculate the Value (V), Vulnerability (U) and Hazard (H) in the investigated areas. These are in fact the three elements to be considered for the definition of the Environmental Risk, a very important element for territorial planning. The analysis of collected data has been important to infer the causes of different geomorphic processes and human factors influence on the coastal environment. Geomorphologic risk assessment has been computed using R=VUH formula (UNESCO, 1972). A risk map summarizes the obtained results. In particular, two test areas have been investigated: the first one is a pocket beach stretching along the Adriatic coast of Apulia between Torre Canne and Torre San Leonardo (Brindisi), the second one is placed to Ionian coast of Apulia between Capo San Vito and Blandamura Pinewood (Taranto).

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