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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 22 (1) - 1999


Remarks upon the present-day condition of the glaciers in the Italian Maritime Alps – Considerazioni sullo stato attuale dei ghiacciai nelle Alpi Marittime Italiane

Pages 79-82


The six remaining glaciers of the Italian Maritime Alps have today more characteristics in common with those present in the Apennine and in the Hyberian Mountain Chains than those typically alpine. In spite of their limited extension, they have attracted the interest of observers since the end of the past century. Reports of their observation and data obtained from their monitoring are then available in great amount although not recorded with continuity. During the last ten years new studies upon them have been undertaken, and their present-day conditions are rather well known. The intention of this note is mainly to demonstrate the necessity to orient the studies on these glaciers towards the survey of the processes occurring by their forefield. Investigating the transition from the influence of glacial to that of periglacial environment in this particular part of the glacier basin permits to better understand the model according to which extinction takes place.

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