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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 21 (2) - 1998


Rapporti tra morfologia e struttura geologica al margine orientale delle Prealpi Bresciane. Implicazioni neotettoniche – Connections between morphology and geological structureat the easternmost board of Brescian Alps. Neotectonic implications

Pages 215-228


Neotectonics characteristics of the easternmost board of Brescian Prealps, derived from multidisciplinary fields (quantitative geomorphology, morphodynamics and morphotectonic analyses), are here shown. Research method, that involved the creation of a digital map with connected calculations and that has been verified in two areas where plioquaternary sediments (Carvanno and Colle di San Bartolomeo) are present, reveals to be applyable even to the surrounding pre-pliocenic successions, composed mostly by mesozoic limestones. Easternmost board of Brescian Alps morphological pattern seems to be controlled by some tectonic directions, such as N-S and E-W and their bisectors, which are especially outstanding. The comparison between morphological, morphometrical and structural parameters allows to depict the possible morphostructural evolution of the area in Plio-Quaternary age.

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