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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 21 (1) - 1998


Geomorphological investigation of cave exploration opportunities in the Mecsek Mountains, S-Hungary

Pages 5-8


For two years a research has been conducted to confirm the existence of a cave system several kilometers long beyond the most abundant spring of the karst of the W-Mccsek, the Vizfo Spring. Attempts have been made to find the optimal site for opening an entrance to ihe cave. This article describes the methods and achievements of preliminary geomorphological and hydrological field surveys, which were preceded by a thorough study of literature, clearing the entrance to the cave. Observations of karst processes and features were also made. The impacts of recent tectonic movements on the extension and links of the catchment area, the communication between surface and underground watercourses and cave formation are presented. The research is to be continued with exploration of the Szuado Cave {145 m present-day length).

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