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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 20 (1) - 1997


Un approccio metodologico per lo studio a scala regionale delle deformazioni gravitative profonde – A methodological approach to the study at the regional scale of the deep-seated gravitational slope deformations

Pages 87-91


A methodological approach towards the study of Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (Dsgsd) is proposed herein. When performing researches with a regional character it is suggested, according to the experiences acquired studying some phenomena in the Campanian Apen-nine, to integrate the observations and analyses on the studied phenomena within reference gelogical and geomorphological models. Such models should be intended as an aid towards the understanding of the basic causes that regulate, in a given area, the development and the evolution of large gravitational phenomena. To understand the morphodynamics of the morphostructures’ margins (geomorphological model) the predisposing morphostructural attitudes (geological model), together with the morpho-evolutionary sequences, should therefore be reconstructed. This phase of study can be followed by an experimental phase on scaled-down physical models (made by materials having adequately scaled deformabi-lity and strength characteristics) of the most significant situations. Finally, the management of the data obtained by all these complex procedures has necessarily to be carried out by means of computer systems, through the construction of data bases structured in such a way as to allow flexible connections among the different fields of information, as well as analyzing and producing alphanumerical and graphical data.

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