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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 17 (1) - 1994


La Piana di Paule nel quadro evolutivo delle pianure del Logudoro (Sardegna) – The plain of Paule in the evolution of plains of Logudoro (Sardinia)

Pages 73-78


In this work are described and interpretated the plains in the territory of Logudoro in the northern part of the island. The volcanic activities in the Quaternary, with short and intense episodes, has conditioned the landscape evolution in two important river basins of the northern Sardinia: Rio Mannu of Porto Torres and Rio Mannu affluent of the Coghinas River. The knowledge of the basaltic lava flows age has allowed the exact reconstruction and the origin of the plains connected to the barrage of the streams. Furthermore, the glacial and interglacial phases had an important role in the territory evolution, testified by numerous forms attributable to these periods. This model may be reproposed for the similar sites in the other part of Sardinia.

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