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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 17 (1) - 1994


Evoluzione geomorfologica del Vallone Bellunese nel Pleistocene Superiore – Late Pleistocene geomorphological evaluation in the Vallone Bellunese, Southern Alps (Italy)

Pages 62-72


In the Vallone Bellunese, Southern Alps, Late Pleistocene, and in particular the last advance phase of the Würm glaciation, is well documented by many and different erosional and constructional glacial landforms. It has been possible, therefore, by using different data collected over some years (detailed geomorphological maps, drillings, radiometric datings, geophysical investigations, etc.), to reconstruct an up-to-date chronological outline of the geomorphological evolution of this area during Late Pleistocene. From these data the interstadial phase preceding the last advance of the Würm glaciation comes out with greater evidence than before, also for this sector of the Alps, as also some recent Aurignacian archeological discoveries have confirmed. On the other hand, there are still unsolved problems as to the chronostratigraphic interpretation of some conglomerates, which are definitely older than the last advance of the Würm glaciation and are at different altitudes and in different stratigraphic situations in the valley.

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