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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 17 (1) - 1994


Fasi di alluvionamento nella Piana di Santa Caterina Valfurva, Alpi Centrali, nell’ultimo millennio – Flood events in the alluvial plain of Santa Caterina Valfurva, Central Alps, during the last millennium

Pages 61-65


Several peat levels inter layered between gravel and sand beds, in the alluvial plain near S. Caterina Valfurva (Sondrio, Italy), have been radiocarbon dated to the last millennium or, more exactly to the last twelve centuries. Floods events occurred before 1. 115 ± 85 years 14C. B.P.; between 1.115 ± 85 and 970 ± 100 years 14C. B.P.; between 970 ± 100 and 895 ± 105 years 14C. B.P.; between 605 ± 130 e 425 ± 105 years 14C. B.P. and after 425 ± 105 years 14C. B.P. (age 14C. not calibrated). Flood events became less frequent in recent times, when peat bog conditions were prevailing.

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