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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 16 (2) - 1993


Proposta di legenda geomorfologica ad indirizzo applicativo – A proposal of a legend for applied geomorphology

Pages 129-152


The proposed legend for applied geomorphology aims to unify the various methods of cartographic representation of natural and anthropic phenomena for a correct hazard assessment related to the morphogenetic processes in risk and vulnerability conditions. The legend is organized to be used extensively not only by researchers but also by professionals, in order to prepare thematic maps for environmental studies, soil protection, and land use planning. In this legend landforms and deposits are distinguished according to their morphogenetic agents, mechanisms and activity (active, dormant, inactive). There are also informations on the linear and spatial dimensions and, when possible, on volumetric and chronologic data. Some data and correct representation of surface deposits are also given based on their texture, thickness, form, etc. For a correct use of the proposed symbols, the legend is completed by the «Explanatory Notes » which clarify the symbol use in case of doubtful applications. Some case studies are also presented to show how the legend should be used in various italians environments.

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