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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 12 (2) - 1989


Su alcune caratteristiche delle argille plioceniche della valle dell’Era (Toscana) in rapporto alla genesi di calanchi e biancane – Some features of pliocenic clays of the Era basin (Tuscany) in relation to «calanchi» and «biancane» genesis

Pages 131-137


Calanchi and Biancane are typical landforms of pliocenic clay sediments in several italian basins; their origin is still a much debated question. In this paper we have turned our attention to some geotechnical features (grain size distribution and Atterberg limits) of the Era valley clays on which such erosional forms are developed. Biancane have shown higher clay (< 2 µm) contents and higher values of liquid limit (WL) and plastic limit (Wp) than calanchi.

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