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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 12 (1) - 1989


Evaluation of Large Format Camera (LFC) photographs for coastal mapping of the Po River delta, Italy

Pages 63-71


Large Format Camera photographs of Space Shuttle Mission 41 (October 1984) were investigated in regard to their interpretability for coastal maps. The test region is the Po river delta, Northern Italy. The interpretation was carried out by use of a Bausch & Lomb Stereo Zoom Transfer Scope. This instrument allows the superimposition of the image of the stereomodel upon the reference material (control points of topographic maps 1:50.000). In order to improve the interpretability of the LFC photos, digital image processing techniques were applied to a digitized section of the photo. The resulting interpretation maps are compared with existing maps of the «Atlas of Italian Beaches» (Atlante delle spiagge italiane). The conclusions are that the Large Format Camera can contribute many data, which can be implemented in several steps of coastal mapmaking (e.g. change detection, updating, compilation of basemaps).

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