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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 12 (1) - 1989


Cartografia geologica del Quaternario e cartografia geomorfologica. Un confronto in base ad alcuni recenti saggi realizzati negli Abruzzi – Quaternary geological maps and geomorphological maps. A comparison using some recent maps of the Abruzzi region

Pages 21-25


During a recent excursion of the Società Geologica Italiana in the Abruzzi region, two new maps were used to illustrate phenomena pertaining to Pliocene-Quaternary stratigraphy and tectonics. The present work originates from the title and content of these maps, one defined as «geological» and the other as «geomorphological», in order to dis-cuss methodological questions arising in research in two very close fields, especially when inserting field data on thematic maps. The author believes that, generally speaking, specialization of the two types of map is best, inserting mainly definitions of stratigrafic units, sedimentary bodies and formations on geological maps, and definitions of landforms and the geomorphic processes responsible for them on geomorphological maps. The latter also lend themselves to detailed information on recent geomorphic modifications. The autor proposes intensification of systematic research on these topics, using not only field data but also all the best available sources.

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