Differenze pluviometriche tra i versanti tirrenico ed adriatico lungo l’allineamento Livorno-Monte Cimone-Modena – Differences in rainfall between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic side of the Northern Apennines range along Livorno – M. Cimone – Modena traverse
Pages 105-115
Amount, intensity and rate of precipitations recorded in sixteen stations along a line crossing the Tuscan-Aemilian section of the Northern Apennines have been considered. It has then been possible to compare the patterns of this climatic element on both sides of the mountain range. A marked difference between the two sides has been pointed out: the Tyrrhenian side results definitely more rainy than the Adriatic one. The altimetric gradient has also been calculated. It results non- uniform along the whole slope, on which it is possible to distinguish two sections, each of them showing a linear increase of rainfall: the foothill section and the mountain section. Even in this respect marked differences between the two sides of the Apennines have been observed.