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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 11 (1) - 1988


Ricerche preliminari sul bilancio glaciale nell ‘area della Baia Terra Nova (Antartide) – Preliminary research on glacier balance in the area of Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica)

Pages 56-58


This work reports the results of preliminary research on glacier mass balance carried out during the Italian Antarctic expedition to Terra Nova Bay in 1987-88. Investigations were carried out on two glaciers in the area. The main mass balance parameters of the Strandline Glacier, a typical example of a small local formation, were identified and evaluated. On the second, the Campbell Glacier, 140 km long, a maximum time of 55 years of firn accumulation on the surface of the floating ice tongue was measured. Calculations were made of the velocity of the ice tongue itself (270 m yr -1) and of its ice discharge (0.345 km3 yr -1) at the point where it probably begins to float completely.

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