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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 10 (1) - 1987


Geologia e Idrogeologia della pianura di Lucca – Geology and Hydrogeology of the Lucca plain

Pages 132-160


We present the results of the data and documents relative to the wells and geognostical drillings in the plain of Lucca (Tuscany), collected from 1970 to 1986. The data refer to 366 wells and 82 geognostical and penetrometrical driffings, including 448 research items altogether. The stratigraphical data have been determinant in the reconstruction of the geomorphological evolution of the plain and of the lithostratigraphy of the underground, from the basl lacustrine sediments up to the surface. Particularly we have defined the geometry of the main alluvial acquifer levels. We have carried out repeated measurements of the water level in the most relevant wells, which has allowed us to reconstruct the morphology of the underground layer and to define its seasonal variations; the data refer to a period of fifteen years and have enabled us to make an assesment of the changes relative to the layer in that periode. The analysis of the electric conductivity of the ground water and of the 018/016 ratio have contributed, together with the hydrogeological criteria, to the definition of the ground-water pattern in the plain of Lucca. Thus we have attempted a first hydrogeological balance with an evaluation of the natural and periodical reserves. Finally, the data we have collected have allowed us to reckon the potentiality of the water layer and to suggest possible developments for a safe exploitation.

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