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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 9 (1) - 1986


Geomorfologia costiera e sottomarina della baia di Funtanamare (Sardegna sud-occidentale) – Coastal and submarine Geomorphology of the Funtanamare Bay (south-west Sardinia)

Pages 59-67


The coastal area of Funtanamare, in south-west Sardinia, has been from a geomorphological point of view, both in the littoral area and on the sea bottom. The underwater geomorphological survey carried out at -30 m has pointed out the interrelation between coastal and underwater geomorphological events due to eustatic changes in the Quaternary. In the present coastal area the forms of the relief are due to processes relating both to cold climates (up to the periglacial) and to hot climates (wet, dry, and semi-dry).

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