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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 8 (1) - 1985


Note sulla paleogeografia olocenica della costa occidentale del Lago di Garda – Notes on the Holocene palaeogeography of the western coast of Lake Garda

Pages 49-61


Along the western coast of Lake of Garda there are morphological and sedimentological evidences of Late Glacial and Holocene coastlines. One of these (earlier than early Neolithic in date) lies at an altitude of 3-3,8 m above the present medium level of the lake in the southern Benacus (South of Salò) and at 4-5 m of elevation in the northern zone. A set of ancient, supposed, wave-cut notches ean be seen near Manerba between 23 and 60 m above the lake level. During Holocene the western and southern zones of Lake Garda should have been interested by differentiated areal movements representing the continuation of tectonic activities already developed during the early-middle Pleistocene.

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