Aspetti geomorfologici e palinologici dei depositi fluviali nei dintorni di Carturo sul Brenta (Padova) – Geomorphic and Palynologic aspects of the fluvial deposits near Carturo sul Brenta (Padova)
Pages 36-39
The authors report the results of their geomorphologic and palynologic researches, still under way, along a sector of the River Brenta located about 30 km North of Padova. Their study is based on the finding of some subfossil trunks dated respectively at 18 850 ± 200 and 2 520 ± 100 b.p. in fluvial deposits near Ponte di Carturo The erosion and sedimentation processes which took place during the upper Pleistocene/Holocene transition and the Holocene have been analysed, mainly ,from the geomorphologic point of view. From the palynologic viewpoint, two thin deposits have been examined, corresponding to stratigraphic levels of different depths. The older deposit has been dated radiometrically at 18 850 ± 200 b.p. Pollen an;alyses indicate mainly cold forest vegetation, poor in number of species. The two deposits show a prevalently steppe-type vegetation the lower deposit going back to the last phase of Wurm III, the upper one to the lower Dryas.