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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 5 (1) - 1982


Osservazioni stratigrafiche e tettoniche sui depositi continentali pleistocenici del versante orientale del M. Raparo (Appennino Meridionale) – Stratigraphic and tectonic observations on Pleistocene continental deposits of the eastern flank of Mt. Raparo (Southern Apennines)

Pages 174-178


On the basis of stratigraphic, depositional and tectonic characters, three lithostratigraphic units of continental origin have been recognized along the eastern side of Mount Raparo (Southern Apennines). The oldest one, which is referred to a “cold phase” of the middle Pleistocene, consists of tectonic and climatic breccias, that have been slightly folded and then faulted. On these breccias lies in unconformity another continental unit, which is referred to a “cold phase” of the middle-upper Pleistocene, presenting a proximal facies of an alluvial fan; also these deposits have been affected by small normal faults. Finally, in unconformity on both above-mentioned continental units, lie several strips of more recent (upper Pleistocene) small alluvial fans and detrital covers. During the middle Pleistocene and the beginning of the upper Pleistocene the Mount Raparo area was affected by a general uplift; folds and faults which where produced in the continental deposits prove two main subsequent phases of uplift.

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