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An international Journal published under the auspices of:

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Volume 3 (2) - 1980


Evidenza di un drenaggio abbandonato nel settore settentrionale dell’Altopiano di Poirino (provincia di Torino) – Evidence of an abandoned drainage system in the northern section of the Altopiano di Poirino (provincia di Torino)

Pages 61-65


A description is given of the traces of an E-W drainage system abandoned by a meandering river to the South of the Collina di Torino, on the Altopiano di Poirino. The relicts consist of forms recognizable in the existing topography because correspond channels: these appear variously taken over by the present hydrographic system, which runs at right angles to the abandoned system, and are made evident by the cul-tivation boundaries. The fossil system is related to the southward runoff from the Collina di Torino of the South Piedmont drainage system, as suggested by CARRARO (1976). It is shown that the phenomenon, that has given rise to the present course of the Po to the North of the Collina di Torino, is of tectonic origin, and relatively recent (certainly later than the period of maximum of the last glaciation).

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