Alcune osservazioni sul paleosuolo delle conoidi “wurmiane” poste al piede dell’Appennino emiliano – The late Pleistocene alluvial fans of the Emilian pre-Apennine region. Some observation about the paleosoil developed on their top and its stratigraphical meaning
Pages 187-195
The paleosoil evolved on the gravelly alluvial fans known from all the Emilian higland zone are to be considered as brun fersiallitiques in french terminology, and it belong to the Haploxeralf great group of the American classification. It evolved during a climatic period characterized by hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters and autumns, with precipitations less abundant than now and a temperature slighty higher. This paleosol is attribued to the late Wurm. This cronology is confirmed hy the study of some stratigraphical sequences. The Pre-Apennine fans from which the paleosoils evolved are more recents than the terraces covered with a Rissian loess, affected by Riss-Wurm weathering. During X millenium B. C., when the paleosoil had already been buried below fluviatile Fiorano layer, it had the same characteristics today observable; therefore it evolved during an interstadial period of the last glacial.