Le curve segnalatrici delle possibilità pluviometriche da un’ora a trecentosessantacinque giorni
The curves of rainfall maximum and munimum values from 1 hour to 365 days
Pages 125-130.
The curves of rainfall maximum and minimum values from 1 hour to 365 days. These curves, relative to five stations of the Northern Italy on a day basis, are studied in the present work. The equations of these curves permit to calculate, with good approximation, the function of mean amounts of rainfall. The envelopping curves of rainfall maximum give, on the basis of the values from 1 to 365 days, the maximum amounts occuring from 1 to 24 hours. Besides, the envelopping curves of rainfall maximum give, on the basis of the values from 1 hour to 60 days, the maximum amounts until 365 days, if the observations are made in the course of a sufficient number of years.